Tuesday, May 22, 2012

It Takes A Village

When Lenski and I started preparing for the adoption process we sent out a letter to friends and family.  Maybe you received one of these or maybe you read it on this blog.  In the letter we shared the details of how much the adoption would cost and invited people to join us in this.  We talked about how it was very similar to the TV commercials you see asking for your monthly support to help children around the world.  Except this time you would actually be able to meet this child and see how their life would change.

When we wrote this letter we never imagined that our little cousin would embrace this idea so much and become one of our biggest supporters.  Her name is Ally and she is 8 years old.  She lives in Indiana with her family.  We don't get to see her and her family often enough but they have been a huge source of encouragement.  When Ally found out that we were adopting from Russia she decided to decorate a container and label it "Pennies for Primos".  Primo is cousin in Spanish.  So she started her own little fundraiser for us.  According to her mom she is always trying to sell things to make some money to give to us.  She is also driving up with her family to help us out with our garage sale. (June 14-16) She (and her family) have blessed us so much.

You might not think that one little girl could do much but...the day Lenski and I were leaving to go out of town we got a check in the mail from Ally's fundraising.  It was a check for over $45!  She had collected that much change in April alone!  We were stunned to say the least.

We love the saying, "It takes a village".  Well, children are always part of the village.  Maybe we just aren't giving them enough credit.  So here's to you Ally!  Thank you for all that you've done and all that you're still doing to help bring home your new little cousin.  We love you.


  1. Got the link to this blog post from Jeff & Amy. She is such a wonderful little girl isn't she!?! Praise God for how He works in little and big ways!

  2. beautiful! i love how EVERYONE can be a part of the adoption story

  3. Ally is at it again! She raised just over $100 in the month of May! I think she has a future in capital campaigns.
